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260 million children around the world are not in school.

By 2030, 825 million youth globally will not have the skills necessary for the future workforce if not action is taken.* This means we are in a global education crisis.

We believe it’s time to make education everyone’s business!

*Source: Global Business Coalition for Education

A world changing mission with your contribution.

Bella Esperanza brings education to children in developing nations by building schools to give a contribution in ending the global education crisis.

We believe in the power of our 3C Charity Model.

We believe in transparency. Every cent of your donation goes to building schools. We guarantee this by having 2 separate bank accounts: 1 for the school building project, 1 for operational costs.

We are a marketing first company. We believe that great marketing starts with building a culture of creativity, innovaton and fun.

We want to revolutionize charity in a contemporary and unconvential way. Our aim is to inspire you to become your most generous version.

We believe in inspiring people and create a movement of change and love through collaboration.


We believe that art serves as a powerful medium to convey messages of hope and change. Through various artistic expressions, we aim to raise awareness about the importance of education for every child.

Art has the ability to transcend language barriers, making it a universal tool to inspire and mobilize support for our cause.

Whether through paintings, sculptures, or other forms of visual art, we believe in harnessing the creative energy of artists to amplify the impact of our mission.


Music resonates deeply with people across cultures. We leverage the emotive power of music to create connections and foster empathy.

We aim to partner with music events and concerts as well as to collaborate with musicians and DJ’s, not only to raise funds for our school project and educational initiatives but also to use music as a means to share the stories of the children we support.

This harmonious approach helps us build a community of music supporters who understand the transformative potential of education.


Sport embodies the spirit of teamwork, discipline, and resilience. We recognize the role of sports in fostering holistic development among children.

We aim to partner with sports events, organize sponsorships and partnerships with athletes, not only to raise funds but also to emphasize the importance of physical well-being and character-building.

Sport becomes a vehicle for instilling values that complement the educational journey, creating a well-rounded support system for the children we champion.

Fashion &

Fashion and lifestyle represents the contemporary essence of Bella Esperanza. We believe that promoting a socially conscious lifestyle can lead to positive change.

Through collaborations with selected fashion designers, influencers, and lifestyle brands in line with our values, we aim to create a movement where individuals can contribute to education initiatives while embracing a sense of purpose and style.

Fashion becomes a tool for advocacy, encouraging people to make choices that have a lasting impact on the lives of underprivileged children.

Esperanza is one of the 80 kids of the Orphanage Center of Tosamaganga in Tanzania. She has been our main inspiration for founding our voluntary organisation, so we decided to call it in her name.

Esperanza in Spanish means hope. At Bella Esperanza we strongly believe in hope.

Orphans often don’t have the privilege to go school. We however believe in a world where every child has access to education.

That’s how our first pilot project came to live.

We are building our first school in Ugwachanya, which will give all orphans of the Tosamaganga Orphanage Center, as well as a total of 360 kids of the villages nearby, the chance to go to school and build themselves a better future.

Education is power.
Join us on our mission and change a kid’s life today.

Join us in transforming lives through education!

Let’s create a world where every child has the right to learn and grow. Donate now and be a part of Bella Esperanza’s journey towards a brighter tomorrow!

We believe in transparency

We guarantee this by having two bank accounts: one for the school project, one for operational costs.

Your online donation goes fully into our school project.

You can also donate via bank wire:

School Construction


Operation Costs


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